Guest Writer Amy Appel: Why I Write
“Because I hear my intuition and it’s sharp like cut glass. This knowing mixed with unsureness.”
Featuring Guest Writer Amy Appel, and her writing inspired by the poem “Why I Write Poetry” by Major Jackson.
Why I Write
by Amy Appel
Because I’m not sure of my purpose, creativity or direction.
Because I have a lot to say and sometimes no one wants to listen.
Because I hear my intuition and it’s sharp like cut glass. This knowing mixed with unsureness.
Because I’m confident no one ever has to read it. Like dancing alone in my kitchen.
Because it’s private but permanent. Words are stronger than memories.
Words can break those bones.
Because I love playing tennis but suck at the game.
Because G-d is always listening.
Because I am brave enough to take that hike in the woods, even when there’s a huge pile of bear shit.
Because I can breathe freely and fear no judgment.
Because I might want to learn how to play golf.
Because I might not always remember.
Because a neighbor lets her dog bark like clockwork at dawn.
Because I can spell everything wrong and nobody will use a red pen.
Because I am drawn to it and thought I didn’t know why.
Because I said so, that’s why!
Ellis Elliott is a published author and poet. Join her Bewilderness Writing Workshops and use free writing to find yourself and your voice on the page. Order her poetry collection Break in the Field.